
Showing posts from January, 2023

Top 10 Nutraceutical Products in India

Nutraceutical is a term derived from nutrition & pharmaceutical. This term is applied to the products that are isolated from herbal products & are used to promote general well being. Nutraceutical industry is continuously is growing at a good rate & helps in providing its valuable support to human life. Here at Zeon Lifesciences, we have selected top 10 nutraceutical products on the market right now. 1.Prenatal Vitamins It consists of a variety of vitamins and minerals to help your baby get the nutrients that are essential for healthy development. During pregnancy, a woman’s daily intake requirements for certain nutrients, such as folic acid (folate), calcium, iron will increase that are vital for proper foetus growth & development. 2. Vitamin D3 It is important for maintaining good health and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Various studies are available which supports that Vitamin D3 can also boost your immune system.  3.  Weight Loss Weight loss is a ...

Supplements to support Energy: Picking the right one for you

Fatigue, sometimes chronic fatigue syndrome also known as low energy level is a common reason to visit for the consultation. Many of us treat this fatigue by reaching quick fix remedies. We increase the caffeine to get through early morning and late night, but this is all a temporary fix that doesn’t boost our energy and just masks our fading energy.  Have you ever think about this that what could be the reason? There are many condition a person may be fatigued. • Iron deficiency • Physical exertion • Obese • Arthritis • Thyroid • Sleep disorder • Anxiety  • Depression Best supplements support Energy: There are many different nutrients that support energy production at the cellular level, and help you stay energized in the face of everyday stress- and each work in somewhat different ways.  Here are our top picks to support energy: 1. CoQ10 :  If you’ve never heard of CoQ10 before, it’s time to meet your body’s important compound for energy productio...