The Rise of Nutraceuticals: How They Can Benefit Your Health
The market is currently flooded with hundreds of nutraceuticals/food supplements that not only help prevent and address chronic illnesses but also promote general health. Nutraceuticals are food substances meant to be added to regular diets and can contribute to overall well-being, provide disease protection, or improve disease conditions. Nutraceuticals may contain vitamins, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, herbs or herbal extracts, or other essential nutrients, depending on their focus and health claims.
A nutraceutical is a pharmaceutical alternative which gives health benefits. These nutraceuticals help to protect our body with some of the major health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, cholesterol etc.
Classification of nutraceuticals:
Nutraceuticals are derived from food sources, used to fulfill the nutritional gap. There are two categories of nutraceuticals:
• Dietary supplements:
The dietary supplements are taken orally intended to supplement the diet. These may include- vitamins, minerals, herbs and other micronutrients. It can be found in many forms such as tablet, capsule, powder, liquids and diskettes.
• Functional food:
These are foods that offer health benefit and are designed to improve health. Functional food also includes food rich with vitamins, minerals, probiotics and fibers.
• Medical food:
Medical foods are foods that are specially made for the dietary management of a disease that has distinctive nutritional needs that cannot be met by normal diet alone
• Phytochemicals:
Phytonutrients are known as bioactive nutrient plant chemical in fruit, vegetables and other plant foods that may provide desirable health benefits beyond basic nutrition and can’t be fill by the normal diet.
• Designer food:
Designer foods are normal foods reinforce with health promoting ingredients. These foods looks alike normal foods and can consume daily as a part of normal diet.
Benefits of Nutraceuticals
The nutraceutical benefits are vast, and new uses are being discovered daily. From physiological to mental health, nutraceuticals can treat many illnesses and ailments. Choose Nutraceuticals from reliable Nutraceutical Manufacturers in India to get the below-listed benefits:
1. Health benefits
Often, we are only concerned about our taste bud and not caring about health. Nutraceuticals are very helpful to maintain your health.
2. Reduces risk of severe diseases
Nutraceuticals are also a part of powerful prevention from severe diseases.
3. Provides preventive care
Nutraceuticals are preventive care, which has been shown to increase life expectancy significantly. Engulfing diseases before they’re a major problem or before they start to affect the patient helps treatment and recovery occur quickly.
4. Support the Body’s Functions
Nutraceuticals can also significantly improve the body’s immune status and biological processes.
The use of nutraceuticals can play a significant role in overall health and improve our mental wellbeing as well. With the sedentary lifestyle of humans, the antioxidant defense systems are often overloaded resulting in oxidative stress. Nutraceuticals have many health benefits and their consumption within their acceptable Recommended Dietary Intakes, will keep diseases at bay and allow humans to maintain an overall good health.
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