Best Things You Need To Know About Food Ingredients

"Nutraceutical refers to any sort of nourishing food that provides protection against chronic health problems. The word “nutraceutical” is a combination of two words – “nutrient” (a nourishing food component) and “pharmaceutical” (a medical drug). The basic philosophy is focusing on prevention by keeping food as our medicine. Herbaceutical refers to a health or dietary supplement made with herbs or plant-derived components. Active elements are as powerful as those found in compounds that are designated as medicines or drugs." Ayurveda is based on the concept that health and wellness depend upon a delicate balance between mind, body, and spirit. It is the world’s oldest and most holistic healing system developed more than 3,000 years ago in India. As it is widely known, nutraceutical ingredients not only provide nutrients but can also help prevent or treat certain health conditions. Some of the most renowned nutraceutical ingredients are vitamins, minerals, prebiotics and pro...